Starting up a business in Germany

How to start a business in Germany as an International? This workshop is directed to international students, alumni and expats. We will overview legal visa requirements, funding options and tips for starting up a business in Germany. All interested audience are welcome.
FormatInput and Insights
ThemaCompany Building, Rechtliches
09. Mai 2023
16:30 Uhr
17:30 Uhr
60 min

Kurs für

  • Interessierte

Offen für

alle weltweit


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Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Digitaler Konferenzraum


business, Germany, funding, EXIST

This online workshop will be conducted in English and is directed to EU and Non EU-citizens. 

  • Legal rules for self-employment in Germany
  • “Seven Steps” to found a start-up
  • Finance and Funding

Bei Fragen bitte fragen:

Marta Depta

Gründungsberaterin / Exist Women

Programmverantwortlich Exist-Woman, fachliche Unterstützung in bei der Entwicklung von Gründungsideen und -Geschäftsmodellen, Fördermittelberatung, fachkundige Stellungnahmen

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