The qualification platform of Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office University Halle

We assist you with trainings and coachings before, during and after founding your business

For interested parties

I have a business idea and an academic background? Is founding an option for me?

For founders

I am in the start-up/founding process and do have an university background. I am searching for help in order to bring my idea to market maturity?

For startups

I've founded my business (< five years ago), do have an university background but there are still questions with which I need support.

We promote entreprenuerial skills in research

For researchers

I am doing research/ I am working at the university and would like to use my research results. How do I discover the innovation and start-up potential?


Entrepreneurship Week

Entrepreneurship Week 2024

ab 18. November 2024
🚀 Ignite your entrepreneurial spirit! 🌟 Do you want to turn your own ideas into reality? Do you dream of starting your own company and turning your visions into reality? Come to ou...
Finance/Funding, Company Building, IP Management

Scidea Ignite

Di 14. November 2023
Everything here revolves around brilliant ideas. Students, scientists and innovators develop their ideas for new solutions, services, etc. and use Chat GPT as a creative tool.
Input and Insights

Startup FOCUS Connect

Mo 13. November 2023
Ihr seid Startup-Enthusiasten und/oder Gründer:innen aus Halle und Umgebung? Ihr möchtet andere Startups oder Menschen mit guten Ideen treffen? Unser Startup FOCUS Connect Event b...
Finance/Funding, Ideation, Marketing/Sales
Entrepreneurship Week

Entrepreneurship Week 2023

ab 13. November 2023
🚀 Entfache deinen Unternehmergeist! 🌟 Du möchtest deine eigenen Ideen in die Tat umsetzen? Du träumst davon, ein eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen und deine Visionen Wirklichkeit werd...
Ideation, IP Management, Legal Aspects

Startup FOCUS - Pitch-Training

ab 20. Juni 2023
How to get the perfect pitch? With our professional guidance you will work out your perfect pitch deck piece by piece. At the end of the intense training you have the opportunity t...
Company Building, Finance/Funding, Marketing/Sales

International Business and Export Management Advanced Training

ab 14. April 2023
Increase your competencies in business development and export processing, work on real business cases with German SME or Start-up and gain an opportunity to become certified export...
Company Building
Input and Insights

Steuern & Buchführung

Di 28. Februar 2023
Wie erstellst und dokumentierst du deinen Jahresabschluss bzw. deine Einnahme-Überschuss-Rechnung am besten, wie geht das eigentlich mit der persönlichen Einkommenssteuererklärung,...
Legal Aspects

Startup FOCUS - Investors Pitch-Training

ab 30. November 2022
How to get the perfect pitch? Unter unserer fachlicher Anleitung erarbeitest du Stück für Stück Dein perfektes Pitch Deck. Zum Abschluss des Trainings hast Du die Gelegenheit, Dein...
Marketing/Sales, Company Building, Finance/Funding

Born Global Startup Festival 2022

ab 11. Oktober 2022
The interactive event Born Global Startup Festival 2022 will combine inspiring keynotes, workshop and expert panels to give you insights on the startup ecosystem here and beyond ho...
IT/Media, Ideation, IP Management

Startup FOCUS 2022: Investors Pitch-Training

How to get the perfect pitch? In unserem zweitägigen Intensivworkshop arbeitest du mit der Hilfe von Profis an den Inhalten deines Pitch Decks und verbesserst durch wiederkehrende ...
Finance/Funding, Marketing/Sales, Company Building

Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office

We - the Transfer and Entreprenuership Office support scientists and students in the realization of innovation projects as well as knowledge- and technology-based business start-ups. In addition, we are the first point of contact for industrial partners and companies interested in scientific expertise. We offer consulting services, research and development cooperations as well as knowledge transfer regarding the commercial use of technologies and intellectual property from the MLU.

Hi, nice to meet you

Moritz Bradler

Knowledge and Technology Transfer / Startup Consulting

Research-based start-up and transfer projects, cooperations between science and econmy, funding, innovation validation

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