Innovation toolkit: User research, agile teams and future thinking

Are you ready to innovate? Discover practical tools for developing better products and services for the market, and touch upon essential leadership skills to assist you on your individual career path. Professional innovation coaches will guide you through two days of fun and dynamic group exercises together with highly motivated researchers of all disciplines. This workshop is carried out by Young Entrepreneurs in Science (YES). 
15. November 2021
09:00 Uhr
16. November 2021
17:00 Uhr

Target Group

  • Forschende


Please register via the button below.



Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Digitaler Konferenzraum


YES, Young Entrepreneurs in Science, Forscher, Forscherinnen, Innovator, Agile Thinking, Future Thinking, User Research, Agile Teams, Workshop, Coaching

Workshop Programme


See a product from a customer’s perspective and identify potential markets. By empathising with users, organisations, and needs, you will generate a value proposition.

  • Get to know a specific user and their needs in interactive sessions
  • Develop personas and review ideas with the help of the problem-solution-fit
  • Draft a value proposition statement

DAY 2: TEAMS & TRENDS (9am to 5pm)

How do we organise teamwork efficiently and successfully? We reflect on team roles and meet an experienced role model. In the next steps, we will peek into the future using analysis techniques and formulate future scenarios to help you understand market dynamics.

  • Learn team essentials and reflect about team roles + role model Q&A
  • Ready for takeoff: What do agile teams need?
  • Future Thinking: Identify trends and draft a vision statement

This Workshop is part of the Entrepreneurship Week 2021 organized by the Transfer- und Gründerservice (MLU) and Designhaus Halle (BURG). 

Any questions? Feel free to ask

Moritz Bradler

Knowledge and Technology Transfer / Startup Consulting

Research-based start-up and transfer projects, cooperations between science and econmy, funding, innovation validation

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