Patents as an opportunity for my research.

Patents are indispensable in business if products and technologies need to be protected against imitation. Property Rights are also gaining importance in the university sector. Third-party funders ensure that proposed research projects not only gain knowledge, but that the results are also commercially exploited. Participants will learn how an invention is turned into a granted patent and how universities provide support.

Learning Goal:

Teaching the basics of the patent system, presenting the technical and non-technical property rights, presenting of support services and patent management processes at universities
TopicIP Management, Legal Aspects
13. Dezember 2021
16:00 Uhr
17:30 Uhr
90 min

Target Group

  • Interessierte
  • Gründende
  • Start-ups
  • Forschende





Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Digitaler Konferenzraum


patents, research results, IP-Management

Fundamentals of industrial property protection:

Patents are indispensable in business if a company's own products, technologies and developments are to be protected against imitation and competitors, thereby securing a unique position on the market. 

However, property rights are also becoming increasingly important in the university sector. Third-party funders, such as the BMBF, are increasingly ensuring that proposed research projects not only serve to gain knowledge, but that research results are also exploited commercially. Exploitation strategies and industrial property rights play a decisive role here. Finally, patents enhance a company's own reputation and are increasingly important as quality indicators in various rankings.

The workshop teaches the basics of industrial property protection. Participants will learn how an invention becomes a granted patent and how Universities provide support in this process.


Speaker: Dr. Christian Liutik, Dr. Oliver Pänke


Click link “Teilnehmen” above and enter: 
Meeting ID: 687 8463 2356
Passcode: 145324

The course will be conducted by:

Dr. Christian Liutik

Leiter Schutzrechtsservice und Patentinformationszentrum

Dr. Oliver Pänke

Leiter Bereich Transfer

Any questions? Feel free to ask

Marta Depta

Start-up Consultant / Exist Women

Programme manager Exist-Woman, Professional support in the development of start-up ideas and business models, Pre-seed funding advice, Expert opinions

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