Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Digitaler Konferenzraum
Start-Up, Science, Entrepreneurs, Patents, Funding, Promotion, Researchers
This session will give insights into what it means to become an entrepreneur, how an entrepreneurial mindset looks like and how to start to turn an idea into a successful business. The session adresses people who already have plans to start a business as well as those who are just curious about the opportunities and a brief how-to.
Patent, utility model, design, trademarks, copyright? This workshop will illustrate the different types of intellectual property rights and explain which right goes with which research result. Participants will learn basics of patent research and get an outline of rights and obligations of employees and free inventors.
Science-based innovations are highly relevant for future economic development in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany and the EU. Numerous funding schemes from regional, national and European public sources are accessible for researchers that aim to test basic research for market potential or to move their ideas forward from the lab. This session will give an overview of some regularly available grant schemes and their typical terms and conditions.
Research-based start-up and transfer projects, cooperations between science and econmy, funding, innovation validation
Moritz Bradler studied business administration with a focus on controlling, marketing & trade and industrial engineering in Halle and León (Spain). He has been the contact person for knowledge and technology transfer at MLU since 2012 and primarily supports scientists with innovation and technology-based start-up projects.
General questions regarding the protection of intellectual property, development of protection and exploitation strategies for IP objects
Dr. Robert Szczesny is our consultant for intellectual property and industrial property rights for start-up projects at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. He is responsible for general questions regarding the protection of intellectual property and the development of protection and exploitation strategies for IP objects. Dr. Szczesny has a doctorate in biology and studied patent engineering. He has been working for the Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office since August 2012.