We are there for you

Contact persons

Ines Schmiegel

Project Assistant

Registration and participant management

Christian Buchner

Entrepreneurial Skill Development

Empowering of innovation teams from science for transfer and entrepreneurship, networking with innovation players focussing on structural change topics in southern Saxony-Anhalt

Gabriel Kolar

Transfer and start-up coach

Advice and support for scientists on research transfer and founding innovative start-up companies

Dr. Susanne Hübner

Head of Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office

Strategic development and conception, acquisition of third-party funds, project coordination, coordination of the start-up network

Moritz Bradler

Knowledge and Technology Transfer / Startup Consulting

Research-based start-up and transfer projects, cooperations between science and econmy, funding, innovation validation

Dr. Robert Szczesny

Consultant for intellectual property and property rights

General questions regarding the protection of intellectual property, development of protection and exploitation strategies for IP objects

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